Post Tagged with: "tonsil stones"

Precautions to be taken to get rid of tonsil stones

Health February 8, 2017 at 2:14 am 0 comments

How to get rid of tonsil stones? There are some simple methods for you can try all by yourself as they are not harmful at all but can give you huge relief. If you experience too much discomfort or pain, do see your doctor.

Precautions you can take against tonsil stones

  • You can prevent the occurrence of tonsil stones or prevent its recurring by taking some safety measures:
  • Maintaining oral hygiene is one of the best ways to ensure the prevention of tonsil stones. Regular brushing of teeth is important. Scrape your tongue every time you brush your teeth. A good idea is to brush after every meal, whenever possible.
  • Do saltwater gargling couple of times a day to remove bacteria.
  • You should ensure to see that you do not have a dry mouth and the best way for it is to drink lot of water. This will ensure that there is enough saliva in the mouth.

Precautions to be taken to get rid of tonsil stones

  • There are of course, benefits to your health as well when you drink more water. Also, the anaerobic bacteria that causes tonsil stones and which in turn leads to bad breath will not be able to survive if there is more oxygen. With water or H2O which is the chemical formula for water, there is good oxygen content which can lead to destroying of these bacteria. As you drink more water, the bacteria numbers will reduce which will eventually also stop the bad breath.
  • How to get rid of tonsil stones? Since tonsil stones are also caused by mucus, drinking more water can thin the mucus and help in its discharge from the body. This can also prevent tonsil stones.
  • Certain food can also lead to tonsil stones. Acidic foods or those foodstuffs which causes acidity in the mouth should be prevented. Dairy products can cause mucus problems, so avoid these products as well.
  • Tonsil stones are caused when calcium is deposited in excess. By increasing magnesium content in the body, calcium accumulation can be prevented as calcium will be then circulated through the body. Have foods that have high magnesium content or you can take magnesium supplements.
  • Intake of too much sugary content can lead to bacteria build up. So avoid sugary drinks, especially aerated drinks.

Smoking and drinking can lead to dry mouth which is one of the main reasons for tonsil stones. So, avoid these habits.